If your cat has dental disease or a toothache, you are very unlikely to notice. That is why an annual dental and health check-up is so important. Unlike dogs, they don’t tend to pant, so their teeth are not easily seen by owners. Any smelly breath, yellow tartar build-up or sometimes they may drop their food, can be signs they need a dental exam. The true extent of dental disease can only be fully realised with high quality dental x-rays.
A dental check up may highlight the need for cleaning, polishing, tooth extraction or even just a change in diet to prevent the problems and do away with the need for yearly cleans. Dental health has been associated with one of the single most important health factors for a long and healthy life.
It’s true that a high percentage of aging cats suffer from some degree of periodontal and gingival disease. This is a condition in which bacteria attack the gum tissue causing a foul odour, yellowish brown crusts of tartar around the gum line and even pain and bleeding when your cat eats or you touch its gums.
Our hoapital caters for all routine dentistry, from cleaning and polishing through to managing periodontal disease and tooth extraction. For more advanced problems, we offer full dental referral services to specialists trained in advanced orthodontics.