Our friendly staff


Dr. Sam Balson

Title: BSc DVM
Position: Feline Veterinarian
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
  • BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) MANZCVS (Feline Medicine)

Unlike most vets, I was never quite sure what I wanted to be. Our family always had pets, growing up with a lovely dog and many guinea pigs. Much later in life as a teenager we got our first cat Tigger from the RSPCA, who is the best cat in the world. The interest (and obsession) with cats started there. Most of my family worked and studied in the human medical field, so being a vet seemed like a perfect combination of my medical background and love of animals. After watching a surgery on a work experience day, I was sold.

As a student I started taking my cats to the cat clinic as I was living close by, and after adopting my second cat Minnie from another student. On the same day she was in for her desexing surgery, my other cat Tigger had somehow swallowed a corn cob! I got to watch both surgeries in person which was an amazing experience. I got to witness the incredible cat specific knowledge and skills as I progressed through my course, and it inspired me to eventually work at a feline only practice. I still kept in contact after graduating and eventually a position opened up which I was thrilled to take.

My aim is to get to know each cat’s individual personality and quirks. I love to hear about what silly things they get up to. Through this I aim to provide each owner with as much information as possible to make an individual plan to get their cat feeling their best. I like to make each cat feel as comfortable as possible during my examination. It’s why I like working at a feline only practice where you can see the difference in how relaxed the cats are.

I’ve always lived in the inner east and love living in Melbourne. Currently I live with my partner Dylan and our 2 cats Tigger and Minnie. I’m a little bit obsessed with my cats, always bothering them when sleeping and finding new nicknames to give them. Tigger is the most friendly cat you will ever meet, always offering headbutts, and Minnie is the fluffiest and prettiest girl who loves from a distance. Our 2 are endless sources of entertainment to us. Tigger likes to aggressively play at the edge of the bed while slowly tearing up the bed frame, while Minnie loves to bring her toy directly to us at bedtime every night, meowing the whole way.

Outside of work I play field hockey and coach an amazing women’s team (with a very successful win ratio!). I also like to race my partner in go karts and go out for a nice steak.

Meet my cats

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